
The Myth of the Noble Scientist

Finally, I think we scientists are guilty of promoting, or at least tolerating, a false popular image of ourselves that may be flattering but that, in the long run, leads to real difficulties when the public finds out that our behavior doesn't match that image. I like to call it The Myth of the Noble Scientist. It arises, I think out of the long-discredited Baconian view of the scientist as disinterested seeker of the truth, gathering facts with mind cleansed of prejudices and preconceptions. Thus the ideal scientist would be more honest than ordinary mortals, certainly immune to such common human failings as pride or personal ambition. When it turns out, as invariably it does, that scientists are not at all like that, the public that we have mislead may react with understandable anger or disappointment. The fact is that scientists are usually rigorously honest about

Giving up on PDF annotations

What I wanted: To be able to seamlessly take notes on PDFs with the annotations automatically synced to my notes. Additionally, if I make any changes to any of the annotations at any time, they must also immediately sync back to my notes.  Is this possible?: Note that this workflow for HTML is possible using WebResearcherJS ( along with Joplin.  However, after exploring this issue for a considerable period of time, today, I give up on my pursuit to integrate PDF annotations directly with my research workflow. I am prepared to label this task as 'possible but time-consuming and challenging to implement'. Solution adopted: Instead, the solution I adapted was to iframe the pdf on to a webpage and use WebResearcherJS to take notes on the webpage. Thus far, this pipeline works like a charm and eliminates the need to directly deal with PDFs. Notes: Python: I wrote a python module that extracts PDF annotations . One possibility is

The New York Times v/s OpenAI, Microsoft lawsuit

NYT article :  The Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft Over A.I. Use of Copyrighted Work The lawsuit claims that “... with minimal prompting, (GPT-4) will recite large portions of it verbatim..”. Attached are a few screenshots: Example#1   Example#2